Useful Stuff

This section contains a list of contractors and other useful people used by or known to local churches in St Albans Deanery. Please get in touch with church contacts listed if you want comments about the contractor's performance.

This directory is compiled for the Deanery of St Albans. The inclusion of any contractor does imply any recommendation or approval, nor can the accuracy of any details be assured. Please email any comments, updates or corrections to [email protected] or call 01727 865399.

Please let us know of any further contractors to be included in this directory.

It also makes provision for useful documents, but so far none are available. If you have good models, please contact us.

Practical people

  • AV systems
  • CAV Solutions, Brookmans Park Teleport, Great North Road, Brookmans Park, Herts AL9 6NE
    Contact Rob Alvis, 0844 5678 065 [email protected]
    Work: Audio Visual Systems Year: 2016 Supply and installation of new AV system, and general maintenance. £5k to £20k Used: 2-4 times User: St Albans, St Luke Chris Swain 01727 835760 [email protected]

  • Builders and decorators
    Billington and Lawrence
    Unit 12, Flowers Industrial Estate, Latimer Road, Luton, Beds LU1 3XA
    Contact Martin Lawrence,
    01582 726100, [email protected]
    Work: Building/decorating/roof. Decorating in the church, pointing the curate's house, putting in concrete posts for fence, putting down concrete base for shed. Year: 2016, £1k to £5k Used: 2-4 times. User: St Albans, St Paul Helen Chilton, 01727 846281, [email protected]
    Billy Currell
    25 Bournehall Road, Bushey Village, Herts, WD23 3EH
    0800 783 1106, 0208 950 1133
    Work: Roofing Year: 2015, Roofing repairs, replace/repair slates and lead gulley. £1k to £5k Used: 2-4 times. User: Radlett, Christ Church, Philip Reason 01923 856606

    CSBD, Victoria House, Marlborough Park, Southdown Road, Harpenden AL5 1PW
    Contact Charlie Marriot, 01582 766672, [email protected]
    Work: Various building works, big and small Year: 2016. £20k or above Used: 5+ times. User: St Albans, St Luke, Chris Swain 01727 835760 [email protected]

    English County Contractors Ltd, Eldonwall Trading Estate, Whitby Road, St Philips, Bristol BS4 3QQ
    Contact Richard Stevens, 01179 774 808, [email protected]
    Work: Repaired worn carpet on noses of steps with matching carpet from elsewhere in the church. New carpet laid. Year: 2015, £1k to £5k, User: Radlett, Christ Church Philip Reason 01923 856606

  • Cleaning
    Thompson Cleaning Services, 8 Lawrance Road, St Albans, AL3 6EA
    Contact Chris Thompson, 01727 842269, 07768 611275, [email protected]
    Work: Cleaning General cleaning - specialising in office and the work place Year: 2016, £1k to £5k Used: 5+ times, User: St Albans, St Luke
    Chris Swain 01727 835760 [email protected]

  • Electricians
    Electriflow - Electrical Services, Oxford Avenue, St Albans, AL1 4NS
    Contact Ian Peacock, 07798 530 885, [email protected]
    Work: Electrician: Electrical Services, domestic, commercial and Industrial. User St Albans, St Luke Mark Slater, 01727 865399, [email protected]

    Instalec, Unit 2, Greenwood Court, Ramridge Road, Luton, Beds LU2 0TN
    Contact Paul Brown 01582 402 455, [email protected]
    Work: Electrical, including 5 yearly inspection and certificates. New wiring, rectifying faults, also available for fire alarm circuitry.Year: 2016 £0 to £1k Used: 5+ times User: Radlett, Christ Church Philip Reason 01923 856606

    Kingson Electrical Ltd, Unit 4, Maylands Business Centre, Redbourn Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 7ES
    Contact Julian Hobbs, 01442 531176, 07831 367545, [email protected]
    Work: 5 year electrical test of the whole building in 2016, putting in new wiring a few years ago Year: 2016, £1k to £5k Used: 2-4 times. User: St Albans, St Paul Helen Chilton 01727 846281 [email protected]

    Tirion Electrical Services Ltd, 23 Belsize Close, St Albans, AL4 9YD
    Contact Gino Ciupka 07704 324 488, [email protected]
    Work: Electrician Year: 2015, £0 to £1k Used: 5+ times Gino undertook the 5 yearly fixed wiring test at St Mary's in 2014 and tidied up/rectified a number of issues relating to that exercise (including installing ELCBs the electrical socket circuits for safety). Work was completed in a very thorough and tidy manner and he has completed several other electrical jobs over the last 4-5 years. Recommended.. User: St Albans, Marshalswick St Mary Simon Gould, [email protected],

  • Furniture design
  • Luke Hughes & Co, 182 Drury Lane, London WC2B 5PP
    Contact Luke Barton, 0207 404 5995, [email protected]
    Work: Bespoke Furniture design. Designed and supplied new communion table and service leaders' lecterns.Year: 2014, £20k or above Used: Once. User: St Albans, St Luke Chris Swain 01727 835760 [email protected]

  • Glass and Glaziers
    Peter Fletcher
    Contact Peter Fletcher 07974 725 174, [email protected]
    Work: Stained Glass Window User: Aldenham, St John the Baptist, Christopher Treves Brown, 01923 857444. [email protected]

    The GlassSmith, Unit B4, 156 St Albans Road, Sandridge, St Albans, Herts AL4 9LP
    Contact Matt Smith 01727 844870 [email protected]
    Work: Glazier Used: 2-4 times User: St Albans, St Luke Chris Swain 01727 835760 [email protected]


  • Pest control
  • Kwik Pest, 12 Old Orchard, Park Street, St Albans, AL2 2QB
    Contact Anthony Hewis, 01727 874018, 07962 023 023
    Work: Pest Control (Mouse infestation) Year: 2015, £0 to £1k. User: Radlett, Christ Church Philip Reason 01923 856606

    Mark Norris
    Contact Mark Norris, 07966 933 235
    Work - Pest Control Dealing with mice. User: Aldenham, St John the Baptist Christopher Treves Brown 01923 857444 [email protected]

  • Plumbing and heating
  • A. F. Clark.
    Contact Andy Clark, 22 Colney Heath Lane, St Albans
    01727 867204, 07973 291 689, [email protected]
    Work: Plumbing Year: 2016, £0 to £1k. Used: 5+ times, User: St Albans, St Luke - contact Chris Swain
    [email protected]. General plumbing and central heating and gas servicing. Plumbing repairs, boiler replacement.

    CAFCO Gas, Heat and Plumbing, 14 Broadwater Crescent, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL7 3TU
    Contact David Cafferty, 07881 516 853, [email protected]
    Work: Plumbing Year: 2016 Boilers and heating service and maintenance work (gas certified). David Cafferty is highly reliable and reasonably priced. His customer service is first rate, he is clean and tidy and always takes time to carefully explain the issues and work required. Recommended. £0 to £1k Used: 5+ times. User: St Albans, Marshalswick St Mary Simon Gould [email protected]

    Mellor & Mottram, Unit 20, Britannia Business Park, North Road, Cobridge, Stoke on Trent ST6 2PZ
    Contact Stuart Mottram, 01782 274 537, [email protected]
    Work: Plumbing/Church Heating. Specialists in Church Heating - Installation of
    new heating boiler.
    Year: 2016 £5k to £20k Used: Once User: Radlett, Christ Church Philip Reason 01923 856606

    Safesure Plumbing & Heating Contractor, 29 The Dell, Wigmore Park, Luton, Beds LU2 8SX
    Contact Richard Robinson 07850 462 932, 07850 217797, [email protected]
    Work: Plumbing Put in new boiler at curate's house, services, church boilers, landlord's certificate Year: 2015, £1k to £5k Used: 5+ times
    User: St Albans, St Paul Helen Chilton 01727 846281 [email protected]
    Work: Servicing of vicarage heating system Year: 2016, £0 to £1k Used: 5+ times. User: St Albans, St Luke. Mark Slater, 01727 865399, [email protected]

  • Security
  • Alban Locksmiths, 205 Hatfield Road, St Albans AL1 4SY
    01727 839353
    Work: Security Year: 2016, £0 to £1k Used: 5+ times
    User: St Albans, St Luke - contact Chris Swain 01727 835760 [email protected]. Church security, lock replacement

  • Waste disposal
  • Cawleys, 1 Covent Garden Close, Luton, Beds, LU4 8QB
    Contact 0845 260 2000
    Work: Weekly Rubbish Collection Year: 2016. £0 to £1k Used: 5+ times User: St Albans, St Luke Chris Swain 01727 835760 [email protected]

  • Website Designers
  • Experts

  • Working with Children

  • Bereavement counselling

  • Cafe management
  • St Julian's Church have run a successful community cafe for about 4 years. For advice, initially contact Andy Sharp - [email protected]


    • Advice on vocations


    Useful documents

    This section is intended for documents you might find useful - documents you might need for your parish. The concept was that they would be the ones other parishes had used.

    None are yet available.

    If you have any similar ones you think would be useful, please send them to us - please use the contact tab on the right and ask the Treasurer for an email address.

    Health & Safety
    Risk Assessment
    Child protection
    Job Descriptions
    Application Forms
    Guidance on employment, using self-employed people and using volunteers


    Useful officials